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Bodywork refers to the manual manipulation of muscular and connective tissues in the body in an effort to alleviate pain and restore function.

Restorative Bodywork Session

Hour - $90

Half-hour - $55




Bodywork is similar to massage, however massage is generally associated with more of a relaxing experience whereas the focus of bodywork is pain relief and with that goal the sometimes the work has to be deeper. Occasionally this type of therapeutic massage can be an intense session that utilizes deep, neuromuscular techniques to release holding patterns in tight, tense, or even old spasms within soft tissue that may be causing ache, pain, compensation patterns, and/or restriction in movement. 


Over time and especially with poor movement patterns / poor posture, the fascia throughout our bodies can become dry and stuck together. The goal for the session will be to bring more fluidity to the fascia sto that you can get moving and feeling better again.

During a bodywork session there may be moments where you will be asked to produce a certain movement while Donna holds a compression. This is done with the intention of bringing awareness to the client, creating space in the body, and bringing more fluidity to the fascial network.


What to Expect
Once you’ve filled out the intake form I will review the information you provide before asking specific questions related to your current issue for insight in pain, pain management – current and past, location and radiation of pain and discomfort, restriction in movement or range of motion, and potential related aches and/or pains. My approach is based on 20 years of experience founded on my initial massage training as well as continued training in anatomy, physiology, Kinesiology, the nervous system, personal fitness courses, Yoga Instructor training, eastern modalities and eastern medicine's perception of the body.
The treatment can include Deep Tissue techniques, Neuromuscular and/or Sports massage Techniques, Meridian work (such as shiatsu techniques), Lymph massage, fascia release. Occasionally I may ask to use alternative options such as cupping or gua sha (spooning/scraping).


Give Me 3-5 Sessions
Most feel significant relief after the initial visit reporting a decrease in pain and/or discomfort, decrease in tightness and/or rigidity, and increase in range of motion within the first 24-48 hours following the session. With experiencing such a positive change, it is easy to pursue subsequent sessions from any remaining layers of holding pattern, pain. However, I do request those coming from an initial visit to set aside all expectation and final judgement on effectiveness until 24-48 hours after a third visit (preferably received within no longer than3-5 weeks after initial visit). It is usually this visit that you will have a better assessment of continued sessions are needed, if continued regular sessions are recommended, or if you need to pursue additional self-care modalities such as chiropractic, physical therapy, or other alternative care options.


I make no claims to guarantee specific outcomes any more or less than physical therapy, surgery, acupuncture, chiropractic care, and/or medicinal interventions.


Any new issues separate from original issue devoid of any massage treatment in between will be viewed and charged as New, Initial Treatment as new assessment will be required.

All prices subject change.


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